Pembroke Welsh Corgi Puppies Contact us If you can give these puppies a loving and caring home please contact me now. I am very busy and don't have time…
$600Want a new BUDDY in your life? Here's the perfect little guy for you. Active. Tail Wagging. Adorable. He loves to play then snuggle. He'll be current…
$1,975Little Duke is a white teacup male Pom that has a personality that doesn't stop. Look at that precious face! He is socialized, active and healthy. He…
$2,000Small active little female Maltipoo puppy. Full of energy. She should be around 6/7 lbs full grown.
SOLDVery active and playful small female Maltipoo. Should be around 6/7 lbs full grown.
SOLDvisit our website for more info on our AKC Australian Shepherd puppies and adults! Microchipped, AKC registration paid for, vaccines and heartworm…
SOLDHi, the first several pictures you are looking is me Mocha, and Last two pictures are my parents Monica and Messi. I am currently one and half month old…
SOLD10 week old male Cava-Tzu puppy. Mother is Cava-Tzu and Father is Shih-Tzu (photos included of each). Not registered but have DNA paperwork on both parents…