Looking to rehome my “Charlie” there is nothing absolutely wrong with him! he is 4 yrs old and healthy. He is Akc registered and will come with a pedigree…
SOLDRalph is a magnificent little male Cava-Tzu puppy. He is such an adorable cuddler and loves to meet new people. All our puppies are up to date on their…
SOLDMeet Princess. We are rehoming our wonderful lady, Princess. She is from Mexico, and she was given to us with the papers from Mexico to be coming, however…
SOLDLady is an amazing dog; she is a two-year-old Pure Belgian Malinois, and we are going to be retiring/rehoming her too forever. She was going to be part…
SOLDLili is a non-spayed female who has had all of her shots and is in perfect health. We are getting out of the Bulldog breeding to concentrate on our other…
SOLDLevi is an intact male who has had all of his shots and has had a cherry eye removed. We are getting out of the Bulldog breeding to concentrate on our…
SOLDMeet Smokie... I am a great doggie in the need of a home. I am a mix of lab and Great Pyrenees. I am a loving dog who just loves to be with my humans,…
SOLDBeautiful-Male Shih-Tzu, fully potty trained, pure-bred, and up to date on all shots. 443loves924 to go1371 for walks and cuddle. He’s only 2 yoa .…