Ramsey was born on Super Bowl Sunday. Fitting, as we expect him to be a super star. His parents, Pumpkin and Hershey, are exceptional pets and beautiful…
SOLD8.5 week old standard female Black Tri Australian Shepherd. UTD on shots and wormer. Tail docked and dew claws removed.
SOLD9.5 week Standard male Black Tri Australian Shepherd. UTD on shots and wormer. Tail docked and dewclaws removed.
SOLD2 males and 1 females available . Pups have white splashes on chest, chins, or toes. Most showing brown color hair under tail. Some are showing lighter…
SOLDMiniature Schnauzer -CKC Purebreds 4 females and 2 males. Puppies are docked and declawed. They will be given their first shot, dewormed, come with registration…
SOLDMiniature Schnauzer -CKC Purebreds 4 females and 2 males. Puppies are docked and declawed. They will be given their first shot, dewormed, come with registration…
SOLDMiniature Schnauzer -CKC Purebreds 4 females and 2 males. Puppies are docked and declawed. They will be given their first shot, dewormed, come with registration…
SOLDMiniature Schnauzer -CKC Purebreds 4 females and 2 males. Puppies are docked and declawed. They will be given their first shot, dewormed, come with registration…