Here’s Cupid! Beautiful, symmetrical tri color face. He has tan on his cheeks, eyebrows under his ears and tail. As his hair grows, so will the black coloring…
SOLDCooper is a regal, cream Stanard poodle who should top out at 60-70 pounds. Crate trained and started on house training, he can make it through the night…
SOLD4 month old puppies 1 female black/tan and 1 black/white male. They have up to date puppy shots, dewormed, health guarantee. Dog door trained. Smart, loving…
SOLDVery pretty 7-week-old white and black male dachshund, ACA registered, he is very loving, playful, and loves attention. He loves to sleep on your lap at…
SOLDText or call our phone number. Parents are genetically health tested and clear. To secure your choice of puppy secure it with a $500.00 non-refundable deposit…
SOLDText or call 3369304315 Carolyn. Some pictures are taken during outside playtime. 2 black girls, 1 chocolate girls Description: F1B generation labradoodle…
SOLD3 of 7 still available... weened and on dry kibble, potty training, manners training, vet clean well-check. They're beautiful, healthy and strong from…
SOLDCKC Mini Black & Tan short haired male Dachshund AXEL has had parvo vac. 2-5way vac.s wormed and vet checked raised in home parents are house pets FOR…