Male and Female Blue French Bulldog puppies. We have 2 females and 1 male looking to go to a loving and forever homes. They will be Flead, Wormed. These…
$500These top quality Frenchies are bread at the highest level to ensure guaranteed maximum health.These gorgeous Puppies have been raised in our family home…
$600Dad is AKC registered blue , Mum’s are two healthy sisters one is blue brindle- the other Black - no breathing issues Puppies are vaccinated with 2nd…
$1,500AKC Lilac Merle & Brindle 7 weeks old. 4 Male & 2 Female.
$5,000These puppies are well trained come with all paperwork and wormed contact me for more information and pictures text our phone number
$5992 Female Frenchie's ready to go home. Possible fluffy carriers. Their mom carries fluffy. Full AKC $1200 each.
$1,2003 Female Frenchie's ready to go home. Possible fluffy carriers. Their mom carries fluffy. Full AKC $1500 each. Their mother is also available with…
$1,500We have a gorgeous selection of Lilac tan merle, Money has been no option with this amazing pup, Completely socialised with people and share a home with…