Mom is Mexibell. She is 15 inches 16 lbs. Dad is Tabasco. He is 11 inches 11 lbs. The puppies will range between the parents' sizes. They are deep red…
SOLDAKC Golden Retriever Puppy is available and ready to go to her new homes. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call or text our phone number…
SOLDAKC Mini Poodle, born July 13, 2023 (12 weeks old), up to date on shots and deworming, vet checked, dew claws removed, tails docked, accustomed to other…
SOLDReady now $500 text 8039067562 View our website for information or past litters tundrastorm668598405.visit our website View our YouTube for past litters…
SOLDText or call 3369304315. Taking deposits to reserve a puppy. We have 3 male intense red miniature puppies not yet reserved. We will have more deep red…
SOLDTaking applications for these amazing deep red AKC puppies from OFA-certified parents. Dad is 11 inches and 11 lbs. Mom is 13 inches and 13 lbs. Puppies…
SOLD10 weeks old AKC Golden Retriever Puppy is available and ready to go to his new homes. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call or text…
SOLDThis boy is super sweet and a cuddler. His hair is really wavy and soft. He is current with his vaccinations, and de worming. He has had his tail docked…
SOLDUse the links below to browse through the dogs on our site by Coat. You may also want to try just browsing through all of our Dog Classifieds to find dogs instead.