This cute furry babies are very playful, sweet, smart Loving and love to be cuddle and kissed on. Best Furry Mom or Dad would be a person that has time…
SOLD8 week puppies ready to go to a good home. Raised around children and have been socialized. Up to date vaccines and have been dewormed.
SOLDHi my name is Shakyla and we are located in Southwest Wisconsin. We do not breed regularly. My Australian Shepherd, Gunner (Merle with blue eyes), and…
SOLDBeautiful chocolate havanese puppies, 2 females and 4 males available. Please text 9317431595 for additional pictures or purchasing information.
SOLDvisit our website for more info on our AKC Australian Shepherd puppies and adults! Microchipped, AKC registration paid for, vaccines and heartworm…
SOLDLovely Teacup Pomeranian, she's sweet and caring, loves attention and will ask for it! Born to our precious baby girl Holla and her life mate Dax. Zilla…
SOLDHi, the first several pictures you are looking is me Mocha, and Last two pictures are my parents Monica and Messi. I am currently one and half month old…
SOLDWe have a litter of GSP puppies with champion bloodlines that were born on July 22nd, 2022. They will be ready for their new homes in the middle of September…
SOLDUse the links below to browse through the dogs on our site by Coat. You may also want to try just browsing through all of our Dog Classifieds to find dogs instead.