We have a 6 week old male cavapoo who will be ready for his forever home by March 8th. He is a F1, born to a mom who is an AKC registered King Charles…
SOLDMom is a 10 lb Coton de Tulear from a champion line. Dad is a 12 lb Coton de Tulear. Litter was 7 puppies. We are not a kennel. The parents are our…
SOLDThis precious little girl has just come back to us from her first owners. They were older and said she was too much puppy for them! Mostly Maltese with…
SOLDMissy the girl loves toys and is so fun. Roy also loves to play but really wants to be at your heals looking for your next adventure. We raise health…
SOLDPomimo Puppies for sale, they are a mix between American eskimo and Pomeranian. The puppies will not be Registered, but the madam is AKC registered and…
SOLDThe mother is a reg. German Shepherd she is 2 yrs old and the dad is a 5 yr old full blood German Shepherd without papers. We have 1 female and 3 male…
SOLDHello! Here is a bit of info on my current bundle of joy! The mother, Moxie,is an ASDR registered Mini Aussie with blue eyes weighing 30 lbs, the father…
SOLDWe have Beautiful male Shihtzu ready. They are UTD on shots and worming. For more information our phone number or our phone number
SOLDUse the links below to browse through the dogs on our site by Coat. You may also want to try just browsing through all of our Dog Classifieds to find dogs instead.