Black tri male with hazel eyes. A real snuggler. only 6 of the 10 beautiful standard Australian Shepherd puppies remaining. We have 2 red tri pups,…
SOLDLana is a CKC registered female Pomeranian puppy for sale. She is chocolate particolored. She is ready to go to a new home. She will come with her shots…
SOLDCarter is a very loving and playful puppy. He can be a handful sometimes, but he loves to play and adventure. He will have his first 2 sets of shots and…
SOLDSweet little Black & White ShihPom puppy. Very good with kids. Very playful and has a great temperament and personality. He would make a wonderful addition…
SOLDShihpoo female ready 6/18 They’ll be updated on vaccination and wormed every 2 weeks. We have male and female available. They are socialized and very…
SOLDChloe is a sweet as pie, she is fun to be around and is always wagging her little tail. She had had her first 2 sets of shots and is ready to meet ger…
SOLDAvailable Olde English Bulldogge puppies ready to go home June 27! They will have had their first 2 sets of shots and are registered. Each puppy is prespoiled…
SOLDADORABLE female Bichon Frise puppy available and ready to meet her new furever family this week! She has had her first 2 set of shots and complete vet…
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