Ziggy is a blue merle boy, he will be about 25lb to 27lb when he is all grown up. We have breed Mini Aussies for generations, our lines are super healthy…
SOLDHave 3 spotted OEB, blue, brown and black. They are great for older children. They are smart and train quickly. Very healthy, all puppy shots and rabies…
SOLD3 Fawn females, ready to go home. Pugs are the best companions for people of all ages. They usually get along well with existing pets in the home. Pugs…
SOLDFemale Bichon Frise puppies purebred, born 10/28/23 this are small dogs full grown will get about 10 to 13 lbs, Non-shedding and hypoallergenic, perfect…
SOLDBeautiful Shihtzu ready 12/18. They’ll have several worming and UTD on shots when ready for furever home. They are well socialized and loving.
SOLDAvailable are three male poms; Poseidon, Apollo and Dexter. These puppies are charting to be 3-5lbs. We will register your pup for you! Price is for each…
SOLDSweet little Black & White Male Toy Poodle. Very good with kids. Hypoallergenic. Sweet personality and very playful. He would make a great addition to…
SOLDFirst Place!!! Congratulations to our very special miniature poodle puppy, Leo (Prism’s Splendid Work of Art DaVinci). He won first place, best of…
SOLDUse the links below to browse through the dogs on our site by Color. You may also want to try just browsing through all of our Dog Classifieds to find dogs instead.