Puppies born 7/9/22. Males and females available. Will have first shots, deworming and vet check. Raised with lots of love and care.
SOLDWe have 2 beautiful Yorkie puppies available! 1 male, 1 female ready to go to their forever home! They are CKC registered, vaccinated and have a health…
SOLDWe have 2 beautiful Yorkie puppies available! 1 male, 1 female ready to go to their forever home! They are CKC registered, vaccinated and have a health…
SOLDHe is a Multi-generational Standard sized (55 -70lbs ) and raised in our home. This boy is one that loves attention and is learning fast, he also follows…
SOLDShe is a Multi-generational, Standard sized (55 -70lbs ), and raised in our home. She is one of 2 girls in black, she loves to cuddle and play games with…
SOLDHe is a Multi-generational Standard sized (55 -70lbs ) and raised in our home. He is showing shades of chocolate in his coat and is energetic but does…
SOLDHe is a Multi-generational Standard sized (55 -70lbs ) and raised in our home. He is a deep red that comes from his grampa Noodles, strong opinions but…
SOLDShe is a Multi-generational Standard sized (55 -70lbs ) and raised in our home. Her Apricot coat is soft and she is busy with all of her litter mates.…
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