Recently born, Pixie is the female runt of the litter. Tiny and sweet, she will be black and white like her father. Call or text for questions on how to…
SOLD"Cora" is a stunning red and white girl. She was 8 weeks old on August 23rd and is ready to go home to her new family!! AKC with a super sweet and fun…
SOLD"Bear" is a very handsome Red Headed Tri Color. He was 8 weeks old on August 23rd and is ready to go home to his new family! AKC with a super fun and…
SOLDPaperanian puppies will be ready to go in September. There are 3 girls, 1 boy; open for deposits currently. These babies are super tiny and beautiful!…
SOLDMace is playful and loving. He was seen for his comprehensive health check by the veterinarian and received a clear bill of health plus a negative fecal…
SOLDZac is a handsome male Shih Tzu. He is eight weeks old. He is ready to go to his new home. Zac will make a wonderful companion for you and your family…
SOLDShe's a beautiful solid black German Shepherd, there's not an ounce of any color on her. Just stunning! She lives on a farm, used to loud equipment and…
SOLDAKC'd Beautifully colored female will be black an tan, farm raised, both parents on site, The mothers parents were both OFA'd. shots, dewormed. She's…
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