Jimmy is a CKC registered Pomeranian puppy for sale. He is a red sable color. He has his shots & worming up to date. He comes with his shot record, a Health…
SOLDVery sweet little female Miniature Dachshund puppy. She’s a red color and loves kids. Very playful with a great personality and good temperament.
SOLDBeautiful female American Bully available from our litter. Probulls Ragnar & Dublines Iron Maiden - lots of amazing bullies in their pedigree - more information…
SOLDGet your Memorial Day Puppy or your early Father’s Day puppy NOW! F1BB Labradoodle puppies for sale. The puppies in the litter were born on Monday…
SOLDRose is 50% poodle and 50% Havanese and is the smallest of her litter, only expected to be between 10-12 pounds full grown. She is smart and loving and…
SOLDViolet is 50% poodle and 50% Havanese and only expected to be between 12-15 pounds full grown. She is smart and loving and already learning crate training…
SOLDText or call 336-930-4315xxx to discuss my fur babies. Great addition to any home. Comes up to date with vaccine, deworming, and veterinarian cleared.…
SOLDOnly 2 males available. Airedale Terrier and Standard Poodle hybrid puppies are hypo-allergenic with low/no shed coats. Pups are 9 weeks, wormed and…
SOLDUse the links below to browse through the dogs on our site by . You may also want to try just browsing through all of our Dog Classifieds to find dogs instead.