Meet Smokie... I am a great doggie in the need of a home. I am a mix of lab and Great Pyrenees. I am a loving dog who just loves to be with my humans,…
SOLD1 boy Chiweenie Left! (Chihuahua/Dachshund). 9 weeks old. Will come with shot records, and food. Asking 250 for him. No deposits. In person only. Will…
SOLDF1BB Goldendoodle puppies for sale. The Dam is an F1B Apricot Goldendoodle and the Sire is an AKC Red Standard Poodle. They had 4 Males and 4 Females…
SOLDF1BB Goldendoodle puppies for sale. The Dam is an F1B Apricot Goldendoodle and the Sire is an AKC Red Standard Poodle. They had 4 Males and 4 Females…
SOLDWe are offering up our female pick of the litter! She is as sweet as she is gorgeous. She will go to her new home vet checked, current on shots, microchipped…
SOLDCooper is large and a lovely, cream/champagne color. He is lighter than his cafe au lait littermates. He is the largest of the litter, but a gentle giant…
SOLDTyler is a sweet, cuddly little clown. He is a light apricot standard poodle. He loves to rough house with his stuffed animals, but is loving and kind…
SOLDDOB: 12/28/2021. Parents health tested. 2 boys available to reserve. $500 non-refundable deposit will reserve your choice of puppy. Delivery options…
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