Belle is one of 10 puppies. She is very loving and playful. She loves to cuddle and is ready for her forever parents. Was kenneled from birth till 5 weeks…
SOLDYin is one of 10 puppies. He is very loving and playful. He loves to cuddle and is ready for his forever parents. Was kenneled from birth till 5 weeks…
SOLDFrenchie is one of 10 puppies. She is very loving and playful. She loves to cuddle and is ready for her forever parents. Was kenneled from birth till 5…
SOLDTinkerbell is one of 10 puppies. She is very loving and playful. She loves to cuddle and is ready for her forever parents. Was kenneled from birth till…
SOLDTux is one of 10 puppies.He is very loving and playful. He loves to cuddle and is ready for his forever parents. Was kenneled from birth till 5 weeks at…
SOLDPerdy is one of 10 puppies. She is very loving and playful. She loves to cuddle and is ready for her forever parents. Was kenneled from birth till 5 weeks…
SOLDDiva is one of 10 puppies. She is very loving and playful. She loves to cuddle and is ready for her forever parents. Was kenneled from birth till 5 weeks…
SOLDChunks is one of 10 puppies.He is very loving and playful. He loves to cuddle and is ready for his forever parents. Was kenneled from birth till 5 weeks…
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