Christie Barbie is a tri-color beauty. She plays well with others and totally content playing alone. She has a beautiful thick coat and a high set tail…
SOLDYorkipoo born 6/20/23 will be ready for forever home 8/1/23. Dad is Toy Poodle 8 pounds and mom is Yorkie 6 pounds. Eating Rachael Ray Bright Puppy . Current…
SOLDMicky is a red merle that is very friendly and he's a active puppy. He has blue eyes. He is 6 weeks old and will be ready to go to his forever home Sept…
SOLDLil man is a on the smaller size of a aussie. Very sweet and friendly and intelligent. He is a feisty little one. He is a black tri. He is 6 weeks old…
SOLDSpot is a red merle with blue eyes. He is very active and super cute. He is 6 weeks old and is up-to-date on vaccines and worming. He will be ready to…
SOLDZen is a black tri girl with a beautiful face. She is very active, outgoing and loving. She plays wells with other puppies. She is up-to-date on vaccines…
SOLDYorkipoo puppies 4 males left born 6/20/23 will be ready for forever home 8/1/23. Dad is Toy Poodle 8 pounds and mom is Yorkie 6 pounds. Eating Rachael…
SOLDYorkipoo puppies 4 males left born 6/20/23 will be ready for forever home 8/1/23. Dad is Toy Poodle 8 pounds and mom is Yorkie 6 pounds. Eating Rachael…
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