Donkey currently weighs 14 onces. He is charting 3 1/2 pounds. He has white stripe on his chest and white on the very tips of his toes. Both mom and dad…
$2,500Freddy is currently 1lb 12 onces. He is charting to be 5 lbs. He is heavy coated. Could possibly be shown. He would be a great stud. Parents are both embark…
$2,000Ready to go in time for Christmas! We have a litter of gorgeous chocolate and traditional colored puppies. This boy is black and white and is a total sweetheart…
SOLDQuin is the sweetest Standard Poodle puppy. Quin enjoys being outside and playing with the other pups. He is great while giving her baths and loves attention…
SOLDJordan is the Shih-Poo you have been waiting for. He will light up your life. He loves everyone and will play all day long if you want him to. He has…
SOLDBandit is a really sweet Shih Tzu puppy with a great personality and temperament. Dasher loves playing with his toys and loves chewing on his bones. He…
SOLDManny is a beautiful chocolate Havapoo puppy. he Loves to run, play and cuddle! he is extremely soft and cuddly. We love to have our puppies playing, socializing…
SOLDIan is a loving little ACA male Shih-Tzu puppy. Ian is a great lap pup and really enjoys his playtime. All our puppies are up to date on all their shots…