Freddy is currently 1lb 12 onces. He is charting to be 5 lbs. He is heavy coated. Could possibly be shown. He would be a great stud. Parents are both embark…
$2,000Donkey currently weighs 14 onces. He is charting 3 1/2 pounds. He has white stripe on his chest and white on the very tips of his toes. Both mom and dad…
$2,500Beautiful LINE OF CHOCOLATE DILUTE, . Going to be a bit bigger girl. Pricing her as pet only,. CKC registered. She is playful, loving, will be a great…
$1,800This is a small cream/chocolate line girl,.. she is special, specially priced too. I am picky about the home she will go to. She has 3 legs. The mommy…
SOLDVery pretty girl, great face, CKC registered,.. nice coat, she's a chocolate red, pictures do not do justice. Friendly, playful happy girl. She is ready…
SOLDMya is a tiny medium/light chocolate little girl. Very tiny,.. The cutest little Prance. Mya is CKC purebred registered, She is from AKC bloodlines. Very…
SOLDThis is Mocha, a stunning chocolate merle male Pomeranian. He is currently 10 weeks old. Fluffy, happy, outgoing, sweet boy. He has double green/blue…
SOLDLana is a CKC registered female Pomeranian puppy for sale. She is chocolate particolored. She is ready to go to a new home. She will come with her shots…