first litter for a 2 year old pug. both parents full breed pugs. no nasal issues nor eye irritations. male is 8 years old female is 2 years old. current on…
We have breed pitbulls for 20 years. 3 solid black, one female , 2 males 10 weeks $150.00 each
I have 4 husky girls and 4 husky boys looking for homes. Fully vaccinated. Registered. Full bred.
New litter of AKC Yorkshire Terriers. Three males are Sable and two females black and tan were born October 7, 2017. There are champions in their background…
We are a household family with two boxer selling their wonderful offspring. you cant go wrong with these pups. Male fawns are $600, Females are $700 and the…
boxer puppy for sale. 16 weeks, tail docked, shots and wormed. moving and must sell. $200.
Puppies are purebreed papered chow chows, there are two all black males still available. asking price is 200.00
BullMasiff 8 weeks old Male.. He is very friendly & great with kids!!! Asking $200 obo!! Let me know if your interested?