We are Larry and Sharon Harris. We raise primarily english bulldogs, but also raise a couple of littlers of boston terriers and french bulldogs each year.…
The profile picture is my adult dogs. The male is 3 1/2 lb and my female is 3 lbs. My puppies are real small..They are AKC registared.
Foster family of 8 with 3 dogs. We breed our "mama" once a year with a Champion line Stud from a reputable breeder. Our puppies are our pets!
have 6 puppies for sale. 5 females and 1 male // mother is full blood with papers merel border collie and father is pryness and rare black Anatolian guardian…
I am about to start my sophmore year in college. I'm living by myself, and I need a little girl to keep me company!
We are breeders of Boxer puppies between Oklahoma City and Tulsa OK. Mat Pak puppies are lovingly family reared and starting to potty train, health guaranteed…
I fell in love with the Mudi's diversity years ago. Agility, Conformation, Herding, etc. Unfortunately, I was married to a "nay sayer." Now that he's gone I…
We currently breed once a year for Merle Corgis in the Dallas Fort Worth area (DFW.