s.We have a litters of 3 beautiful french puppies are home raised vet checked de wormed and vaccinated beautiful solid blue puppies with blue eye
We’re independent family of breeders who breed our puppies in our yard and we’ve breed for 9years today. Our puppies are all potty trained and pedigree…
I found a dog wit,h no chip that I want to give to a good home. She is a white American shepard 6 months old. I found her and she was starving. Got her healthy…
my name is Jason and my wife Caroline, we had a large litter of 6 beautiful huskies and want to rehome them to those who care and need an addition to their…
small family of 4 . we love pets and we have been breeding for 8 years now. we just feel every home needs a pets.
We have had Dobermans for over 40 years, in our home and in our lives. We have raised our 4 children around our dogs. We have enjoyed hiking and camping with…
We have raised German Shepherds for 20 years, AKC, European bloodlines.