My wife and I have owned and raised yorkies for over 12 years, they are the most loving, smart and cutest dogs to us.
Not a professional breeder. Have the mom and dad to these pups.
3-mo white bull terrier puppy first shots akc reg just waiting on papers he is house broke and puppy pad trained $600! Firm cash only text or call 405-638-4745…
We have been breeding dogs on a smaller level for 11yrs or more. All our puppies are healthy & Happy. Given lots of love on our ten acres in the country. They…
I am a avid animal lover! I am beginning to raise either Shih Tzus or Yorkies and only want the one breed! Her owner had to leave the state for work! She needs…
I started raising dogs in 1990's. Let us know what your needs are. We can help with care & training advice. Breeding for therapy temperaments and intelligence…
AKC. Bullmastiff puppies 3 females and 1 male Asking $900.00
Cude dog kennels has been breeding top quality American pit bull terriers and English bull terrier for 13 years.