DogsNow Breeder & Services Directory

Dripping Springs, TX

I own a beaful Black and Tan Saluki now. The love of my life she is! She is 8 this month. Looking for a companion!

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Ace is a Yorkie, 2yrs old and weights 5lbs and will not gain anymore. He is not fixed but is up to date on all shots. House broken but will have an accident…

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Primary Breed
Donna, TX

selling a blue nose Pittbull 3yrs old very pretty and playfull $150

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Primary Breed
Millsap, TX

Mini dachshund lover and occasional breeder. I only have one litter a year and they are very well loved and cared for!

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Primary Breed
Millsap, TX

all shots ready for homes now call kenny 817-991-8483 great bloodlines

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Primary Breed
Brittany Spaniel
Austin, TX

we breed and sell Great dane puppies

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Primary Breed
San Marcos, TX

Private breeder

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Primary Breed
Any Day of the Week
Orange Grove, TX


Primary Business
Primary Breed
$75.00 / Dog Breeding
Any Day of the Week

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