I am Amanda from baltimore Maryland. Born on june 1974. I am a stay at home mom. have 5 kids and one grand child.
Looking for a loving pit bull to a great home
NEW........... NEW............ NEW in town Get the best of your puppies online from this new amazing Diamond puppies (buydiamondpuppies@gmail.com Whatsapp…
Male chocalte and female lilac breed
i am a breeder for over 7years
Hi thank you for being so kind to show interest in my baby's. Snookie (mom) is 1 colors black white cow patch with under coat of gray Spanky (dad) black with…
I am not from a puppy mill, I had two beautiful purebred Maltese puppies myself and decided to breed them.
Hello there, I come from a family of breeders and my love for pets is enormous, My wife and I have been following our passion for years now. However, for now…