We are a small family of Scottie lovers. We have several females that produce several litters of pure bred, AKC registered Scottie puppies per year. Our passion…
We have bottle fed and hand raised these puppies. My kids come home and play with them everyday after school. They are very sweet babies!
We breed long and short haired chihuahuas in a home environment. thus we have very happy and socialized puppies. We also offer stud service and pet photography…
I have been breeding for 13 years and I only have a couple of litters a year. All puppies are my babies first and foremost and are born and raised in our home…
Own a female Sable female sheltie and the Male Tricolor Sheltie
Pomeranian. I raise one litter of poms a year in my home. The mom weighs 8 pounds and the Dad weighs 8 so expect these to be small too.
We are a small breeder in the mid west. We raise our puppies in our home and they are around children. Top quality german bloodlines. We have been breeding…
Aitkin Dog Pet Sitters
Aitkin Dog Groomers
Aitkin Dog Therapists
Aitkin Dog Rescues
Aitkin Dog Veterinarians