i have 5 puppies that i would like to find good homes.
I have a male chihuahua puppy born August 31st, ready October 26th, 2016. Mom is 4#, dad7#
Golden Retriever Puppies. 100% European bloodlines. Both parents are imported. AKC registered, vet check, first vaccines, dewormed and microchipped. 2 males…
Blue nose piebald pit. Male 10 weeks Up to date on shots- (solo-jec 5 plus) Make offer -Lauren 612-356-1680
We are a breeder who breeds quality not quantity and still maintains the breed for their beauty, health and companionship. Home raised, with room to roam. We…
We have a female English Setter who is an exceptional pet and hunter. We wanted to breed her and have puppies. We wanted to keep one and sell the rest.
I am looking for a husky puppy. Our family bishon (Gracie 15th old) passed away 3 years now. And we r ready for a family member. Please help us.....
Looking for a small, young, and loving puppy under 15 pounds.
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