Teacup maltipoo she was born on November 29,2016. She is potty trained
I have 6 puppies. To sell they are 1 month they are different colors they are poddles we had female and males
I have 4year old twins how are just not ready for chomsky, he is very loving, I bring him to work everyday with me.
I have 2 Yorkshire 1 female she is 2 years Old...Birthday April / 2014. I'm asking for Female price $1,500 Yes...this is the Picture of the Female here on…
I have own a Yorkshire for more than years
We are family owned and operated and we take pride in raising our puppies happy and healthy. All puppies are guaranteed to be healthy, full of companionship…
We are family owned and operated and we take pride in raising our puppies happy and healthy. All puppies are guaranteed to be healthy, full of companionship…
Toy Poodle