Iam a hobby shih-tzu breeder in birmingham. I love the shih-tzu breed. I have dedicated a dog bow store to all long coated toy breeds.
dennis lemons. I live in piedmont but nwill meet anywheren in gadsden. 3 girls & 1 boy. all playfull and full of puppy energy.you have never seen any maltese…
This is our first litter of puppies. The mother and father are pure bred. Parents and puppies raised in the home with loving affectionate owners. Home is…
i have great experience with dogs
About three years ago my family began searching for a new family dog. Due to family allergies most breeds were immidiatley ruled out. My mother had always…
brindle , mountain gator red blood line
We are a small breeder of quality Toy Australian Shepherds. Our dogs stay in our home, puppies are well socialized, guarenteed healthy.
Our dogs are our family pets and live with us or in a guardian home. I am a biologist and dog lover who enjoys genetics, so i know the value of having our…
Altoona Dog Groomers
Altoona Dog Therapists