Dog Services in Ann Arbor, Michigan

Dog Services in Ann Arbor, MI

Stanton, MI (138 mi)

We raise Golden Retrievers.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Mount Pleasant, MI (140 mi)

I am a 21 (almost 22) year old female that attends Central Michigan University part time and works part time (very flexible hours). I am looking to adopt a…

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Primary Breed
Ohio (140 mi)

I have been breeding miniature dachschunds for 3 years.

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Primary Breed
Fort Wayne, IN (143 mi)

All Doga are health tested and hips and elbows are rated good to excellent before breeding.

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Primary Breed
Fort Wayne, IN (143 mi)

We are a small scale puppy breeding facility outside of Fort Wayne, IN. We have German Shepherd, Rottweiler, Giant Alaskan Malamutte and Golden Retrievers.

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Primary Breed
German Shepherd
Any Day of the Week
New Haven, IN (144 mi)

We have just began to breed newfs as our new kennel has had its first litter. We will give u the strait facts about our kennel no hidden agenda

Primary Business
Primary Breed
New Haven, IN (144 mi)

We strive to breed quality healthy Great Danes. They are raised an a 10 acre farm and are apart of our family daily lives being handled through out the day…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Any Day of the Week
New Haven, IN (144 mi)

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Primary Breed