Dog Services in Annandale, Virginia

Dog Services in Annandale, VA

Unionville, VA (79 mi)

My husband (DVM) and I are small scale breeders so that the puppies spend their time in the house with us and not in a kennel. Intelligent, smart, non shedding…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Miniature Poodle
$450.00 Breeding
Any Day of the Week
Hagerstown, MD (79 mi)

I'm an owner of multiple dogs and cats. Getting ready to move to Fort Wayne, Indiana. Getting ready to enter my Doctorate program in December.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Dog Walking
Any Day of the Week
Maryland (79 mi)

I breed for Size and Qualities to make the a Perfect giants rottweiler

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Any Day of the Week
Any Day of the Week
Maryland (79 mi)

Pit bull puppies

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Any Day of the Week
Hagerstown, MD (79 mi)

Rottweiler (previously) Pit Bull Lab Toy Poodle

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Hagerstown, MD (79 mi)

Pure breed great Danes was born on 1-2-12 females $750 males-$650

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Hagerstown, MD (79 mi)

i have a 3 month old great dane female that i need to rehome, there will be a rehoming fee of 300, she had her first shots already and need 2nd , i am rehoming…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Hagerstown, MD (79 mi)

I am a 9 year experienced pitbull owner my first was a black and white and this time he's blue and white. I'm looking to stud him out.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
$500.00 / Stud Breeding
Any Day of the Week
$500.00 / Stud Breeding
Any Day of the Week