Dog Services in Ardmore, Oklahoma

Dog Services in Ardmore, OK

Mesquite, TX (123 mi)

I'm a loving Dog owner who enjoy's the company of my dog's.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Mesquite, TX (123 mi)

Husky or Retriever

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Weatherford, TX (128 mi)

We have only 1 male AKC Golden Retriever puppies left, born December 19th 2021. Mom and dad are performance champions in multiple disciplines. This boy will…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
$1200.00 Breeding
Any Day of the Week
Weatherford, TX (128 mi)

Owner of two amazing AKC ENGLISH GOLDENS

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Weatherford, TX (128 mi)

I have been raising beagles for 50 yrs. I am AKC inspected.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Forney, TX (129 mi)

I have been breeding strickly Great Danes for 13 years! fc

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Great Dane
Any Day of the Week
Forney, TX (129 mi)

We are a very small show kennel located East of Dallas. We show in local conformation shows and are heavily involved in our local club. Our goal is to breed…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Any Day of the Week
Forney, TX (129 mi)

Hobby breeder bc we love these dogs and want to see the breed improve. Not pumping out lots of litters. Maybe 1-2 per year at most.

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Primary Breed