F1 Goldendoodles! CKC registered!
Looking for best price on a miniature English bulldog pup
CKC reg boxer has ears and tail clipped born 02/12/12 fawn in color very pretty puppy all shots are current with records
This is our first litter of puppies. The mother and father are pure bred. Parents and puppies raised in the home with loving affectionate owners. Home is…
Experienced, Dedicated, Reputable Breeder located in Northeast ALABAMA. We love what we do and it shows. You are welcome to come see for yourself.
We take special pride in our puppies and breed to produce some of the finest german shepherds with outstanding pedigree available in NE Alabama. Each puppy…
please contact
Pretty Girl is 3 1/2 months old. English Cream golden doodle F1 Completely crate trained, 99 percent house trained. For sale, crate, blankie, toys and her bowls…
Ashville Dog Groomers
Ashville Dog Therapists