We are an AKC Breeder of Merit and have bred Alaskan Malamutes for 16 years. We occasionally have puppies or young adults available.
I have bred wheaten's for many years. This is my first time with my whoodle. We have 7 puppies born November 2. 4 boys are black and 3 girls are brown. …
We have been breeding weimaraners for 10+ years and boxers for over 20 years. We take pride in our facility and the love of our dogs. We have a strong bloodline…
brown colours in a gret dane
Komondor puppies for sale AKC Full Registration
Golden Puppies due mid October, ready to go just in time for Christmas. For more information visit our web page at burmangoldensplendor
I would like to buy a dog that's at least three years old maybe two that strain housebroken very friendly I am a disabled veteran I have PTSD really bad and…
Auburn Dog Photographers
Auburn Dog Therapists