akc shih-Tzu puppies 2 black girls 1 tri color male 1 black male.born 1-13-16 1000.00 call 269-857-4386
akc shih-Tzu puppies born 1-13-16 2 black females.2 males.1000.00 call 269-857-4386
I raised boxers for 35 years. I have 4 right now. The parents are on site. Puppies I have 6 3 males 3 females. Black and brindle with white markings
My husband and I are breeders with more than 37 years of experience each. We breed and give for adoption and not for sale. Prices are moderate not extravagant…
We at Noble Buck Farm, raise Rabbit Hunting Beagles and Oberhasli Dairy Goats. Our mission is to produce Field Hunting dogs that are successful by selectively…
We are a small breeder in central Indiana breeding quality Golden Retriever puppies
Quality breeding for over 10 years
My great danes are OFA tested and certified for cardio, hips, elbows, eyes and thyroid before breeding. Even with all of the testing there is never a 100…
Auburn Dog Photographers
Auburn Dog Therapists