We are a small home breeder of English Bull Terriers. Both parents are family pets! Our puppies are raised in a loving environment!
Not a puppy mill. Family raised happy puppies.
Chichuaha, preferable teacup brown
The parents are our farm dogs, they help protect the horses and other animals from wild animals and bad people. The father is a larger boxer made of solid muscle…
We have always loved American Bulldogs since my husband and I had our first even before we were married. We have one pair of AB's as our family pets. Raised…
Been in love with this breed since 1980, showed, groomed and breed.very loving great with children. They do not shed and are easy to train. Great in obedience…
Being in this breed for 20yrs, we have found life would never be the same without a St Bernard. We focus strongly on keeping correct structure, type, movement…
Auburn Dog Photographers
Auburn Dog Therapists