We have 5 beautiful AKC registered great dane puppies. We also have both parents, this is her first litter and we have had no issues.
First time breeder of English Bulldogs. We have been raising English Bulldogs for 8 years and love the breed. We are raising the pups in our house with lots…
I am a hobby breeder I have Doberman pincher and Pomeranian
I am the owner of the dam and sire. Listing our first litter.
female born feb 18 2010, great with childeren and other pets has had first shots.
Over 25 years experience, clean, modern facility.
I am a doctor, raising dogs according to high holistic standards, so that the dogs will have the best chances to be healthy and enjoy a long life. I raise…
Am wondering about the mini labradoodle in wakarusa, IN. Not sure how to get your contact info. Please email soon. Many thanks, Debby
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