Dog Services in Austell, Georgia

Dog Services in Austell, GA

Forsyth, GA (87 mi)

I have 2 CKC Poms that just had a litter of three. 2 males are left. We do not wish to keep them. 478-957-8796.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Monticello, GA (88 mi)

Previously, a breeder of German Shepherds for ten years. Have owned Cane Corsos for two years and love the breed's natural protectiveness and loyal companionship…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Cane Corso
Any Day of the Week
Centre, AL (90 mi)

We are a family owned and operated business. We take pride in raising toy breed puppies. Yorkshire Terriers and Chihuahuas.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
$250.00 / 800 Breeding
Any Day of the Week
La Fayette, GA (90 mi)

I have a adorable 1 year old chiweenie that I'm giving up for adoption to a good home. Me and my fiance have 2 dogs already and she needs a lot of attention…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Centre, AL (90 mi)

I've bred & hunted GSP's since 2000. My first breeding was Palm Glades Sara to "NFC LB Ohi Shameless". I've bred from this line since, w/a few good outcrosses…

Primary Business
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Alabama (91 mi)

Have had many diff breeds but my heart belongs to my pug frank. i take in stray to find them loving homes no animal deserves to be thrown out.

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Jacksonville, AL (92 mi)

I have bred Shih Tzus for 27years

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Waverly Hall, GA (93 mi)

I have been breeding ENglish bulldogs for 13 years.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
English Bulldog
Any Day of the Week