Dog Services in Berlin, New Jersey

Dog Services in Berlin, NJ

Ephrata, PA (107 mi)

homeraised boxador pups

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Any Day of the Week
Brooklyn, NY (107 mi)

I am a professional dog trainer and I work in an animal hospital. I have only one litter a year. This litter is exceptional. The mother is a chocolate ch sired…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Any Day of the Week
Ephrata, PA (107 mi)

I have been breeding for 16 years and very dedicated to placing happy, healthy, puppies with families.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Labrador Retriever
Hamburg, PA (107 mi)

We breed healthy pet-quality Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. We own both mother and father who are our family pets. We also offer stud service for both AKC…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
King Charles Spaniel
Any Day of the Week
Pennsylvania (107 mi)


Primary Business
Primary Breed
New York, NY (107 mi)

i have being a breeder for a long time now,so if you want to adopt any of my pets,you will be giving all the assurance your need.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
New York (107 mi)

I'm Aaron Newman a New York based breeder for over ten years. I breed twice a year and i'm here on to help those searching for pets to find one or more. I appreciate…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Brooklyn, NY (107 mi)

Cute English Bulldog Puppies for Free Adoption .English Bulldog Puppies For Adoption I have Three beautiful English bulldog puppies, the puppies are current…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
English Bulldog
Any Day of the Week