I have been breeding since 2012. We own the mother and she has the most wonderful disposition. She and the father are CKC registered. All the puppies have…
Nelson kenneks is licensed breeder I have 3male tri color one lemon white female 100$ each 8weeks wormed and first shot
I breed high quality mini toy & teacup schnauzers. These babies are raised in my home. Mom & dad are my family pets.
Im looking for puppies! Cheap though! Around 250 and less i accept! And i also Wal dogs,cats,puuppies,kittens,rabitts,bunnies and take care of dogs/animals…
I am a hairstylist and I live in Greenville, SC. I am in love with my Malteses! They are my babies! I personally have two and my mom and my sister each have…
If one of your dreams has ever been to get a well tamed and trained Toy Yorkshire Terrier Lovely and jovial pure breed Toy Yorkshire Terrier. baby Toy Yorkshire…
Bogart Dog Photographers
Bogart Dog Therapists