We breed Johnson type american bulldogs, championship line and NKC Registered
West German Showline German Shepherds
There are 8 puppies half male the other half female. dad is a red nose pit and the mom is a regular nose pit. both are friendly and well behaved.
Registered American Bulldogs. Born and raised in my home. Loyal, Socialized Parents are on-site, sweet and very smart. Very good temperament, strong protection…
This is a one time opportunity for our Bostons we wanted one of our own puppies from Mia & Milo. Not intending to breed them again. So we are not a puppy…
We currently have a 6 month old male Husky Rottweiler mix who we are looking to have a partner, or breed with. He is very calm and tempered.
Miniature doxy long hair
Improving and breeding top quality Pugs, Beagles, & Puggles since 1990. We are located in the far N.W. Chicago suburbs and, along with our 13 children…
Algonquin Dog Breeders
Algonquin Dog Groomers
Algonquin Dog Therapists