I have been breeding for ten years. I breed for quality as well as temperment . All of my puppies are raised in my home with my son and 5 adult bulldogs. They…
This is the 2nd litter from Athena and Thor. Owners of puppies from 1st litter are very satisfied with their new additions to their families. I ensure that…
40 years in breeding, 20 years in the breed
Brenda Stiehl
for the love of cane corso we breed only quality hounds at a mastiff level. email or phone us
Sire (Dad) and Dam (Mom) are both our family pets and are able to meet with anyone interested in the puppies. We have 4 poodle puppies born June 15, 2017, 3…
The German Shepherd has been my all time favorite breed. When I was just a teen a friend gave me my first German Shepherd. We bred him with a neighbor's female…
We are proud to announce that our beautiful Maisie has given birth to 3 stunning puppies these puppies will be raised in our home and used to children and household…