Private, individual seller. Breed and selling my Cane-Corso Pit-bull's newborn babies.
We are located in Tobyhanna, Pa, in the Beautiful Pocono Mountains, where we have begun our dream to become a quality Cane Corso Breeder and strive to produce…
Our puppies are well trained and raised by us in our home with our children and well socialized, and of course they are vaccinated, with papers
I have forty years of experience breeding Great puppies. My goal is to provide loving families with their perfect puppy companions.
At Savvy Pets puppy website: PetPuppiesForSale .com we deliver premium puppy breeds safely across the United States to your local airport. Our puppies have…
Hello, everyone My name is Marco and I love this adorable breed. I being doing this for six years now. And quality and temperament is my gold with my pups…
High Level Japanese Tosa Inu Certified Champion Lines