I am not a puppy mill. I have 3 females and only offer puppies about every 2 years. My females will prodce a litter approx every 1 to 2 years. My pppies will…
Small home-based breeder of the German Rottweiler. Parents are on premise and the puppies are raised in the home. They are socialized with our grandson who…
Mountain Malinois is a small family owned and operated breeding establishment specializing in breeding quality working class Belgian Malinois pups that are…
NALC certified breeder. At Huckleberry Creek Kennels we strive to maintain the working ability of the catahoula while breeding a temperament that isn't too…
J. Burnette licensed breeder CKC Pomeranians for 40+ years.
Cavapoos Ready for Christmas! CKC reg. They are F1b cavapoos. Cared for in my home with other pets.Will be up to date on all shots and worming. Ready to be…
I Breed quality import lineage German Shepherds at an affordable price, All of my dogs have excellent pedigrees great nerves and fantastic tmeperments, we raise…
We breed quality long and stock coat German Shepherds that are primarily bred to be family companions. High drive working dogs are wonderful for police departments…
Blue Ridge Dog Breeders
Blue Ridge Dog Therapists