I'm a loving and caring pet owner looking for a new home form my babies
we've got boxers puppies available for your home..2 female (9 weeks old), 1 male (8 weeks). Females are 1lbs 10 ounces and 1lbs 15 ounces. Females are likely…
micro chiped, , not just left outside. Male and Female puppy Husky puppies for adoption fee. She is very affectionate and loves to cuddle. Good with other animals…
Send email -Health Statement -First set of Vaccinations -The Puppies have been vet checked -The daily training we have provided so far Full bred huskies…
We are professional Golden retriever breeders so we still own a couple of Golden’s ready for adoption
new Rottweiler puppies are listed.
I have pugs since 2009, I breed my puppies with love and respect, Wishing to find them a good home for them. Wish this new owner understand this a big responsibility…
we have a fantastic, fit healthy litter of Pomeranian, all puppies are pure quality, chunky and full of Pomeranian, they have been raised in a loving family…
Calabasas Dog Breeders