I have 4 puppies for sale females are $400 males 300 shots and wormed 517-750-8042
We own the female she is a Lhasa apso and poodle mix my daughter owns the male Luca is a Brussels griffon/Maltese which the breed is called a brussel sprout…
Mark Short and Molly's Darling Doodles
I have owned Tibetan Mastiffs for 30 years. There is much information about the breed online. The most incorrect information is the size. Females: 24 -26…
Been a rescuer for 20 years. Now breeding to help support my rescues. Puppies are not caged and allowed playtime several times a day on half an acre. I have…
We specialize in breeding happy and healthy puppies!! We love our puppies, they are socialized with kids and people all the time as they grow!
Cindy recently retired from her position as a Special Agent with the Federal Government which was her first and primary love in life. Now that has ended, which…
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