Frenchton puppies 1 boy and 2 girls left. 8 weeks old. $1000 OBO please reach out for pictures and questions.
We run a small family owned business breeding mini sable/white and black/white tri rat terriers for our local community and surrounding areas for over 7 years…
We are a German Shepherd breeder in the greater Denver metro area. At Von Göttlich we are passionate about our German Shepherds. We love helping people find…
We breed for quality not quantity, our pups are well socialized, beautiful and loyal! All our huskies are off leash trained!
You have finally found me.I am your new pal I have been waiting for you to come and take me home.I am 12 weeks.I have all my vaccinations up to date and will…
Adorable king English bulldogs sweet coat. socialized with children, dogs and cats in our neighborhood does very well dosent chase other animals since we had…
My champion bloodline boxer produced a litter I got the pick of the litter, the breeder has the papers vet records that I will be getting on the 7th of September…
I have 4 Rottweiler mixed puppies that are looking for homes this week. They are mixed with Blue nose pit bull. Theres a re homing fee. I will provide a bag…
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