Theresa grew up raising yorkies. She is a combat veteran and teachers aid. She extremely good care of her dogs and their offspring.
private breeder. these dogs live in our home. all pups are very social and raised with lots of love and care.
100% track record. never had a sick one No worms, mites , fleas, kennel cough like other puppies. breeder since 2002 The very Best Maltese Purebred Puppies…
We are boxer lovers and truly passionate about the breed. We have always liked the breed, but truly fell in love when we rescued one over fourteen years ago…
I'am a small Hobby breeder of the Cane Corso I strive to breed a sound confident puppy that has a awesome disposition For without disposition you have nothing…
for the love of cane corso we breed only quality hounds at a mastiff level. email or phone us
Small scale family oriented breeder producing amazing fsmily companion pup.
Kind loving puppy's available
Dingmans Ferry Dog Breeders
Dingmans Ferry Dog Pet Sitters
Dingmans Ferry Dog Dog Walkers
Dingmans Ferry Dog Photographers