Theresa grew up raising yorkies. She is a combat veteran and teachers aid. She extremely good care of her dogs and their offspring.
Breeding for 10 years now. we at L & S aim to better both breeds and provide families with loving puppies. We also have champion stud dogs as well.
I'm a hobby home base breeder located in Berks County Pa.We breed dachshunds of many colors and coats short and long hair. Wire coming soon!
cindy love people
Peter Moser
residing on a farmette on the outskirts of Reading; w/years of exp. fun with our Border Collies :)They are well trained and behaved always showing off their…
I am a small farm business owner. I have raise puppies for 20 years. I only have two dogs that are my pets. I breed because puppies are fun. I have a Blue…
Mervin Stoltzfus 2495 Main St. Narvon PA, 17555 Mon-Fri anytime after 5:00- 9:00 Sat. anytime NO SUNDAY
Douglassville Dog Breeders
Douglassville Dog Photographers