I have been breeding for about 30 yrs. I specialize in Tiny Toy Poodles and Pugs. I breed Ch. Bloodlines and high quality puppies and dogs. I give a full…
Rocky and Denise have beautiful Westies!! Molly,Tina , Sassy and Tucker are our children-smart, loyal, amusing and so precious! We are not a kennel!! These…
Christy parker
We are a single small town family own breeder of shorty Jack Russell puppies in Georgia.? Our love of the breed came from moving to the country from the city…
We live and work on a farm. Our family spend lots of time with all our babies and we enjoy the country life. ????We try to make puppies a album that we update…
Breeding and sale of purebred Border Collies for approximately 8 years.
I'm a teacher and a coach and I own both parents of this beautiful puppy. They are on site and are great with children.
Meet Loui!! He is an AKC Teacup Tuxedo Phantom Poodle. He is a proven stud, with 100% successful takings. Loui will throw: creams, silver, tuxedo, chocolate…
East Dublin Dog Breeders
East Dublin Dog Therapists
East Dublin Dog Trainers