Dog Breeders in FranklIN, IN

Edinburgh, IN (13 mi)

Hello! They are tiny and looking for forever homes! They will be ready around August 26ish! They will have their first round of shots. Both parents are AKC…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Indianapolis, IN (23 mi)

I have always been an animal lover. I enjoy dogs because they are so smart. Most of the time it is your dog who trains you!!!

Primary Business
Daycare & Dog Sitting
Primary Breed
Miniature Bull Terrier
$300.00 / Pup Breeding
Any Day of the Week
$700.00 Breeding
Any Day of the Week
Columbus, IN (25 mi)

We are the Payne's- Dave, Meg, Hank, Rue, Kay and Tuck. We are all animal lovers and have a lot of experience with animals! Dave has had the privilege of managing…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Bernese Mountain Dog
Any Day of the Week
Indianapolis, Indiana, NY (25 mi)

good behavours and they listen I adore them and just wish they have a good home and safe I love them as much I love them u love them to

Primary Business
Primary Breed
French Bulldog
$850.00 / 850 Breeding
Any Day of the Week
Indiana (25 mi)

Our Danes are family members ,they live in our home .lounge on the couch and snuggle in our beds at night .They receive the very best of care and lots of love…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Great Dane
Any Day of the Week
Columbus, IN (25 mi)

We raise beautiful adorable smart registered Havanese puppies and look for happy loving homes for them to be enjoyed for their lifetime. We now have 2 tan and…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Indianapolis, IN (25 mi)

Small in home breeder

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Any Day of the Week
Indiana (25 mi)


Primary Business
Primary Breed
English Bulldog